October 22, 2018
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Re: AFSCME 3299’s Strike

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Associated Students of the University of California, we are writing to express strong support for AFSCME 3299’s strike and contract asks.

AFSCME 3299 has been in negotiations with the UC for over 20 months, and the UC’s current proposal includes wage increases that don’t keep up with inflation, cuts to healthcare and retirement benefits, and continued exploitation of contracted and student labor. Furthermore, the UC continues to ignore data that shows its role in perpetuating inequality. A recent report based on UC’s own employment data shows that the UC still contributes to gross inequality along the lines of race and gender – with Black and Latino workers making on average 20 and 21% less, respectively than their white counterparts.

The workers who run the University of California, who clean our classrooms, serve our meals, and take care of our health, are demanding better wages and working conditions, better benefits, and an end to management’s harassment. They are asking for living wages, gender equality, and racial justice. And the UC management has refused to bargain in good faith.

The members of AFSCME 3299 overwhelmingly voted to go on strike as a last resort to fight the unjust proposals UC Labor Relations is trying to implement. As students at the University of California, we wholeheartedly support the Union’s action and we will be joining the picket line on October 23rd, 24th, and 25th.

We urge you to support AFSCME 3299’s contract asks. Our workers deserve a fair contract now.


Alexander Wilfert. ASUC President
Nuha Khalfay, ASUC External Affairs Vice President
Hung Huynh, ASUC Executive Vice President
Melany Amarikwa, ASUC Academic Affairs Vice President
Sarah Abdeshahian, ASUC EAVP Campus Organizing Director
Dominick Williams, ASUC EAVP Legislative Director
Aaron Bryce Lee, ASUC Senator
Amir Wright, ASUC Senator
Amma Sarkodee-Adoo, ASUC Senator
Andy Theocharous, ASUC Senator
Anna Whitney, ASUC Senator
Anne Zepecki, ASUC Senator
Idalys Perez , ASUC Senator
Imran Khan, ASUC Senator
Isabella Chow, ASUC Senator
James Li, ASUC Senator
Justin L. Greenwald, ASUC Senator
Karina Sun, ASUC Senator
Nick Araujo, ASUC Senator
Nikhil Harish, ASUC Senator
Regina Kim, ASUC Senator
Saakshi Goel, ASUC Senator
Stephen Boyle, ASUC Senator
Teddy Lake, ASUC Senator
William Wang, ASUC Senator
Zach Carter, ASUC Senator


Download PDF version of the statement here.