Executive Vice President 2019-2020
The EVP chairs senate and manages internal affairs and operations.
Andy Theocharous is third-year student double-majoring in Economics and Global Studies. He was born and raised in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus where after graduating from high school, he served in the armed forces. Coming to Berkeley, Andy has been involved in the international, ROTC and Veteran communities on campus while being a member of the ASUC for his entire campus life. He served as ASUC Senator in his second year advocating for more professional services for student veterans and more financial support for international students. This year, EVP Theocharous aims to enhance the career and financial aid services on campus, reform the Student Union business model and enhance services towards Registered Student Organizations.
Talk to me About
Career Services, Spaces, Student Organization policy, International Student Policy Reform, ASUC Business partnerships, Student Union
Weekly Reports
The EVP chairs the Senate and acts as the internal affairs and operations officer, managing student activity spaces, working with student organizations to increase services for the student body, and overseeing the student-side of conversations on commercial activities and student union affairs.