Thanks for your interest in joining our team to serve students at Cal through the ASUC Office of Executive Vice President Carrillo, we're going to do great things together!
There's a variety of positions you can apply for within the office, from director to associate to intern, utilizing a wide variety of skills. See the descriptions for each here. Otherwise, here are the positions in our office:
- Chief of Staff Intern [2 OPEN Positions]
- Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Support Director [1 OPEN Position]
- RSO Support Associate [3 OPEN Positions]
- RSO Support Intern [2 OPEN Positions]
- Student Safety, Success & Wellness Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Student Safety, Success & Wellness Associate [3 OPEN Positions]
- Student Safety, Success & Wellness Intern [2 OPEN Positions]
- Spaces Deputy Director - ASUC Spaces [1 OPEN Position]
- Spaces Deputy Director - University Student Spaces Advocate [1 OPEN Position]
- Spaces Deputy Director - ABSA [1 OPEN Position]
- Spaces Associate [3 OPEN Positions]
- Spaces Intern [3 OPEN Positions]
- Commercial Activities Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Commercial Activities Associate [2 OPEN Positions]
- Commercial Activities Intern [1 OPEN Position]
- Communications & Public Relations Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Communications & Public Relations Associate [2 OPEN Positions]
- Communications & Public Relations Intern [1 OPEN Position]
- Finance Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Finance Associate [1 OPEN Position]
- Legislative Affairs Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Legislative Affairs Associate [3 OPEN Positions]
- Legislative Affairs Intern [2 OPEN Positions]
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Director [1 OPEN Position]
- DEIB Associate [2 OPEN Positions]
- DEIB Intern [1 OPEN Position]
- Senatorial and Committee Affairs Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Senatorial and Committee Affairs Associate [6 OPEN Positions]
- Student Affairs Director [1 OPEN Position]
- Student Affairs Associate [3 OPEN Positions]
- Student Affairs Intern [3 OPEN Positions]
Please bear 🐻 in mind the following deadlines:
- Wednesday, June 26th, 11:59pm | Director Applications Close
- Week of Sunday, June 30th | Director Applicant Interviews held
- Monday, July 8th | Director Decisions Released
- Friday, August 30th, 11:59pm | Associate & Intern Applications Close
- Week of September 2nd | Final Associate & Intern Interviews Held
- Monday, September 9th | Associate & Intern Decisions Released
While Directors will be interviewed and selected by July 8th, please note that Deputy, Associate, and Intern positions will be interviewed and selected on a rolling basis throughout July, August, and September. These positions will not be fully filled until September 9th, in order to allow for first-year students to apply to the office.
Once again, thank you for your interest in joining our office! Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. See you soon!
Robert M. Carrillo
ASUC Executive Vice President
Joselyn Espinoza
Chief of Staff
Dafne Cruz Rodriguez
Chief of Staff