We are extremely proud and excited to announce that students are able to request accommodations for their final exams that conflict with Iftar. After numerous meetings with campus leadership including the Chancellor and multiple Vice Chancellors (VCs) and the passage of ASUC Senate Resolution No. 2018/2019-057, we are happy to announce that campus leadership has agreed to the following accommodations during Ramadan:

~Accommodations for final exams that fall during Iftar (please request accommodations BEFORE February 15th, see attached graphic)
~To-go boxes at Cal Dining for Suhoor (can purchase with or without meal plan)
~Additional meditation spaces on campus to break fast and pray together

We worked with VC of Equity and Inclusion and Prof. Kadir to draft the attached template for you to use when requesting accommodations by FEBRUARY 15th!

Thank you to the UC Berkeley MSA for helping us advocate for the Muslim community. Please let us know if you have any questions!

Office of ASUC Senator Imran Khan

Exam Accommodation Request Template