February 20, 2019

Chancellor Christ, Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Alivisatos, Vice Chancellor Fisher, and Vice Chancellor Rae
200 California Hall Berkeley, CA 94704
Re: Campus WiFi

To Chancellor Christ, Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost Alivisatos, Vice Chancellor Fisher, and Vice Chancellor Rae:

On behalf of the Associated Students of the University of California, we are writing to express our strong support for Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO Larry Conrad’s proposal to upgrade the campus WiFi and to sustainably fund it moving forward.

The availability of adequate and widespread WiFi network coverage for the campus is essential for students and faculty on campus and is especially important to students who depend on campus WiFi in order to participate in academic life on campus. Demand for the campus wireless network only continues to grow; thus, it seems necessary for the university to sustainably fund such a crucial service to the campus community.

The two year commitment of one-time funding of $944K for FY18 and FY19 only brings us 25% of the way to fixing the issue of campus connectivity — and this is not enough. We urge you to adopt Associate Vice Chancellor and CIO Larry Conrad’s proposal to increase WiFi coverage up to 80%.

In order to meet this need, we request the following:
1. Commitment to provide increased funding in FY20, FY21, FY22, and FY23 in the campus budget to improve the current campus WiFi network
2. Commitment to providing continual yearly funding of $1 million for the campus network in budgets following FY23

As student leaders at UC Berkeley, we urge you to address the needs of the campus community.


ASUC President Alexander Wilfert
ASUC Executive Vice President Hung Huynh
ASUC Academic Affairs Vice President Melany Amarikwa
ASUC External Affairs Vice President Nuha Khalfay
ASUC Student Advocate Sophie Bandarkar
ASUC Senator Aaron Bryce Lee
ASUC Senator Amir Wright
ASUC Senator Amma Sarkodee-Adoo
ASUC Senator Anne Zepecki
ASUC Senator Idalys Perez
ASUC Senator Isabella Chow
ASUC Senator James Li
ASUC Senator Justin Greenwald
ASUC Senator Karina Sun
ASUC Senator Nick Araujo
ASUC Senator Nikhil Harish
ASUC Senator Regina Kim
ASUC Senator Saakshi Goel
ASUC Senator Stephen Boyle
ASUC Senator Teddy Lake
ASUC Senator William Wang
ASUC Senator Zach Carter

Download the PDF version of the statement here.